The Woskshop is organised within the framework of FI(NA)LMENTE, a project that promotes the use of videos as a means of communicating scientific research and aims to develop training and cultural courses aimed mainly at young PhD students.
The initiative comes from a proposal of the Doctoral School of Neuroscience of the University of Turin and the InTo Brain association for research promotion, in collaboration with the Doctoral School of the University of Turin and the CinemAmbiente festival.
The opportunity to participate in the workshop is open to all doctoral students of the Doctoral School of the University of Turin, regardless of their field of expertise.
The main funder of the initiative is Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo.
The workshop is designed to give PhD students from the University of Turin’s Doctoral School the opportunity to learn how to communicate their scientific research to non-specialists using videos.
The workshop will take place in Turin at the University’s premises and will be open to 15 PhD students of the University of Turin Doctoral School, selected on the basis of a call for proposals.
The workshop will be led by experienced professionals in the field of communication and filmmaking.
The workshop will allow the meeting and dialogue between different professionals (directors, PhD students, science communicators) in order to create new synergies and make the communication of scientific research more effective and of higher quality.
The videos produced will be shown in a dedicated area of CinemAmbiente 2023.
Art 1. Aims
The workshop aims to train doctoral students in any field of the Doctoral School of the University of Turin to use video as a medium to promote the communication of scientific research to non-specialists and to develop appropriate communication skills, which are increasingly necessary in a multimedia world.
Art 2. Participation requirement
Applications may be submitted by doctoral students enrolled in a Ph.D. program at the University of Turin Doctoral School, in any field.
Art. 3. How to participate
Applications will be collected via a dedicated online form
Submit your application by filling the form at this LINK
Applications must be received by midnight on April 3, 2023.
To apply, the following documents must be attached to the online form:
– Copy of a valid identity card;
– Curriculum vitae;
– Title and summary description (max. 500 words) of a scientific research topic to be developed during the workshop, using popular language. Special emphasis should be given to the impact of the research on society and the environment. (Language: Italian or English, optional).
The workshop will be held in Italian and/or English.
Art 4. Selection.
The selection will be made by the Scientific Committee of the Workshop, composed of representatives of the Doctoral School of the University of Turin, the Director of CinemAmbiente and experts in scientific filmmaking.
Each proposal will be evaluated on the basis of communicative effectiveness and relevance of the proposed theme, with a score from 1 to 10.
With the same score, preference will be given to the heterogeneity of the proposed topics and the scientific background of the proposer.
The result of the selection will be published on the website of the InTo Brain Association (www.intobrain.it) and on the website of the PhD School in Neuroscience of the University of Turin (https://www.dottorato.unito.it/do/home.pl) by April 15.
The 15 selected PhD students will also receive an official notification via e-mail (@unito.it email address).
Art 5. Implementation of the workshop
The 15 selected PhD students will participate in a kick-off event on April 21, where they will meet the directors/filmmakers and tutors who will accompany them in the workshop and select the three best project ideas from the proposals submitted with the applications.
The workshop will take place in May in Turin, at the University’s premises. Further details will be provided to the selected PhD students in further stages.
The workshop will be structured into three days: The first day is dedicated to storytelling, the second to the production of the film, the third to editing and processing.
The Workshop will conclude with the production of three short videos that will be presented during the CinemAmbiente Festival, which will take place in Turin from June 5 to 11, 2023.